Rado Dawiec

Rado Dawiec


Ikä: 28
Syntymäpäivä: 8. lokakuu

Tietoa minusta:

Hello chaps, my name is Radoslaw, but call me Rado.

I come from Poland but have been living in Germany for a moment.

I love music - I play the guitar and sing - and I have a band, too. Feel free to ask about it! ;)

I love languages, it's a sheer delight to learn new ones and understand new outlooks through understanding new grammatic structures (yes!).

If you fancy ethical-philosophical-religious topics, I'll be a good talkmate for you, too!

Alors, je veux apprendre un peu du français - la plus belle langue du monde (à mon avis, naturellement)! Si tu veux m'aider, écris-moi, s'il tu plaît!


Kielet, joita puhun:

  • saksa (Saksa) | Äidinkielinen
  • puola | Äidinkielinen
  • englanti (Iso-Britannia) | Edistynyt

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