Attila Gyorfi

Attila Gyorfi


Ikä: 30
Syntymäpäivä: 15. joulukuu

Tietoa minusta:

Hello there!

My name is Attila. I was originally born in Hungary, my mother language is Hungarian and I use English as my second language.

I am learning French, Spanish and Italian at this moment (that's a lot, right?) so if anyone could help me with that, I would really appreciate it.

If someone is brave enough to try Hungarian, I can help with that, and also if you want to practice your English, I am here for you. :)


Kielet, joita puhun:

  • englanti (Iso-Britannia) | Äidinkielinen
  • unkari | Äidinkielinen

Kielet, joita opiskelen: